Luxembourg - 2020 - Bridges
Pont Patton
Completed projects
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Pont Patton
Near the war memorial in honor of General Patton, the existing bridge over the Sure will be demolished and replaced by a new steel bridge on steel pillars.
The bridge is 170m long and is partly straight and partly curved in top view. The cross section is a box shape with consoles on the sides. The bridge is transported to the construction site via road transport and in half boxes. The bridge is assembled on site at an assembly site and launched over existing tracks during a fixed track interruption. The last part is mounted with cranes.
Unique is that this bridge is made of weather-resistant steel.
Project type & location
New projects / Road bridgesFunction:
Road BridgeCountry:
EttelbruckProject start date:
Project finish date:
Project specifics
170m x 17m (LxW)Tonnage:
1.150 (bridge + pillars)Client(s):
Ponts & ChausséesGeneral Contractor(s):
BamLux-GalereSteel Construction:
Victor Buyck Steel ConstructionArchitect(s):
Schroeder & AssociésEngineering:
Schroeder & Associés