Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
United Kingdom - 2023 - Bridges

Govan Partick Footbridge

In progress

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This new 115 m long bridge for pedestrians and cyclists connects Govan (south of the river Clyde) and Partick (north, next to the Riverside Museum).

The pylon is inspired by the historic harbour cranes on the banks of the River Clyde. It will be one of the largest moveable pedestrian bridges in Europe.

Farrans is the main contractor for the civil works. Victor Buyck will fabricate, transport and install the steel structure for the new bridge (including cables). Demako is responsible for the mechanical components for opening the bridge.

The main span consists of 2 closed main girders and a deck slab supported by longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. This section has a length of 95 m. The fixed approach bridge is 25 m long.

Victor Buyck will deliver the bridge in 2 complete sections to minimise the impact on the site and schedule.

Project type & location

Pedestrian bridge
United Kingdom
Project start date: 
Project finish date: 

Project specifics

120m x 8,5m (L x B)
390 ton
Glasgow City Council
General Contractor(s): 
Farrans Construction
Steel Construction: 
Victor Buyck Steel Construction






Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge
Victor Buyck Steel Construction Govan Partick Footbridge

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