Belgian Steel Construction Awards: 4 nominations for Victor Buyck
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Belgian Steel Construction Awards: 4 nominations for Victor Buyck

Eeklo, Belgium - Victor Buyck has been nominated 4 times for the Belgian Steel Construction Awards “Staalbouwwedstrijd 2018”.
The steel construction competition is organized annually by Infosteel alternately in Belgium and Luxembourg, this year being the 19th edition.The 2018 Steel Construction Competition was open for steel construction projects in Belgium or abroad between June 2016 and May 2018.
From the 120 projects that joined the competition the jury nominated 24 projects in 6 categories.
No less than 4 projects were executed by Victor Buyck!
Category D – Civil Works
- Moveable bridges in A11 highway (Dudzele)
- Railway bridge over Dijle river (Mechelen, B)
Category E – International Projects
- Beatus Rhenanus bridge, double bowstring over Rhine (Strasbourg, F - Kehl, D)
Category F – Industrial
- Vergotedok (Brussels, B) (partially by Victor Buyck for Cordeel nv)
The winners will be announced on the Belgian Steel Construction Day on 8 November 2018.Fingers crossed!
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