Installation of phase 2 Olskroken Bridge assemblies on site
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Installation of phase 2 Olskroken Bridge assemblies on site

Göteborg, Sweden - On Friday August 13th, Victor Buyck successfully installed two heavy bridge assemblies of the Olskroken Bridge on the construction site.
Following several months of preparation in the Belgian workshops of Victor Buyck, ferry transports delivered four smaller bridge girders to the site beginning of July 2021. The site team then assembled and welded these four girders into two larger assemblies, each weighing approximately 130 tons and with a maximum length of 47 m.
The installation operations involved transporting the bridge sections with a 10-axle SPMT, followed by a tandem lift with two heavy 500T telescopic cranes onto specifically engineered temporary supports.
The second phase of the Olskroken project is on the right track. On to an equally successful phase 3 in 2022!
Victor Buyck executed these installation operations in collaboration with the crane company Nordic Crane Kynningsrud and the general contractor Peab.
- End client : Trafikverket
- General Contractor : Peab