First pontoon Cruise terminal Antwerp driven outside

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First pontoon Cruise terminal Antwerp driven outside

Last month, the first large pontoon of the Cruise Terminal in Antwerp was driven outside at our location in Wondelgem, with the help of Aertssen Kranen (on 24 SPMT axle lines). This piece is 120m long, 9m wide and with a canopy about 5.5m high; this yields a total weight of approximately 750T. This pontoon came with parts from almost every studio in Eeklo and Wondelgem, a collective achievement!

In the coming months, the other pontoons will be finished and finished with wear layers, bollards, fenders and ladders. When all pontoons are finished, they will be launched in Wondelgem, to be towed to Antwerp and mounted on the Scheldt quays.

The cruise terminal is commissioned by the city of Antwerp and De Vlaamse Waterweg nv. AG VESPA is the contracting authority. The design is by NEY & Partners, SBE - Technum is the engineering office. The temporary trade association Artes - Victor Buyck Steel Construction carries out the works.
