First launch of the A737 Garnock Viaduct completed
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First launch of the A737 Garnock Viaduct completed

Dalry, United Kingdom - More than 8 months in the making, the Victor Buyck team was ready to launch the first half of the Garnock Viaduct, an essential part of the A737 Bypass in Dalry, Scotland. The 650T double girder steel structure was pulled from the assembly area, close to the existing A737, over the River Garnock, towards the Glasgow-Ayr railway line. The launch was powered by one hydraulic strand jack and guided by temporary structures attached to the piers and abutment. After the launch, the bridge was anchored to the abutment.
We want to thank everybody involved for their efforts, especially the site team for delivering high quality and on-time results. Some numbers for the curious: 9 hours of launching, 120m covered during the launch, average speed of 13 m/h, 7 traction cables, 70 tonnes maximum stress in the cables, 4% slope on the assembly area and 2 of the 5 spans covered.
In the summer months, the team will assemble the other half of the bridge on the assembly area. In the fall, the complete bridge will be launched across the rest of the valley.
The A737 Dalry Bypass scheme is commissioned by Transport Scotland. Victor Buyck works with Farrans Roadbridge jv on this project.