Start of Olskroken Bridge site works
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Start of Olskroken Bridge site works

Göteborg, Sweden – Beginning of July 2020, Victor Buyck started the on-site construction works of the Olskroken Bridge (“Olskroksbron”).
After several months of preparatory assembly, welding and corrosion protection in the workshops in Eeklo, the first six bridge girders, each weighing up to 80 tonnes, were brought to the Olskroken site by multimodal transport, combining both special transports by road and overseas ferry transits. The Victor Buyck transport department executed these special transports together with Westdijk Sweden.
The girders were successfully offloaded onto temporary trestles located on a preassembly platform on the construction site in Göteborg and our site team performed the lining and levelling of the sections. Currently, welders are executing the on-site welding of the large transverse joints in between the different bridge sections.
In parallel, the Victor Buyck workshop in Eeklo is finalizing the prefabrication of four additional bridge girders which will be transported to site end of August.
All works are carried out with strict respect of the local COVID-19 regulations.
Client: Trafikverket
General Contractor : Peab