Govan Partick Footbridge: Main Span Installed
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Govan Partick Footbridge: Main Span Installed

Glasgow, United Kingdom - On the 17th of October we reached an impressive milestone on the Govan Partick project. Following a 6 day maritime transport of both the main- and the fixed span and the necessary preparatory works, VBSC, together with our partner HEBO, installed the 95 m long main span of the project.
The installation day started with a dense fog over the River Clyde, causing the start of the operation to be delayed until the fog had cleared. Once the sun had finally broken through, we manoeuvred the barge P-84, carrying both bridge parts in position. The 560T main span was lifted with sheerleg HEBO Lift 10 and placed onto its slewing ring with utmost precision.
Farrans Construction will now finish the main span with the installation of the parapets and surfacing layer.
The historic link between the districts Govan and Partick will be reinstated with the installation of the fixed span that is due for spring 2024.The bridge parts are the center piece in the Govan Partick Footbridge project.
Victor Buyck Steel Construction is building the new steel Govan - Partick Bridge together with principle contractor Farrans Construction for Glasgow City Council.